Saturday, July 12, 2008

July garden update!

Lots of exciting things happening in the garden this month! Below are some photos of the veggies and flowers I've been growing.
Here are two of my jalapeno peppers. I have 11 jalapenos growing now on just two potted pepper plants!

I love marigolds! Mine have finally recovered from their two transplantings and are now blooming like crazy!

Probably the most exciting though...the Tigerella tomatoes! These are the first two that have started growing. If you look closely, you can see the one of the left is starting to turn red near the bottom. Mmmm...I can't wait!

And here's another update on my favorite pot, the herb mix! There is licorice mint at the back, cinnamon basil and lemon basil in the middle, english thyme on the left, some chives on the right, and a few lobelias thrown in for color in the front.

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