Sunday, February 11, 2007

what 2007 brings...

Many changes are in store for us this year!

For our friends and family who we've been out of touch with for awhile, here's a quick recap of our story and how we've ended up where we are now... Cory and I met in the summer of 2004 while we were each visiting our respective families on their live-aboard sailboats in the country of St. Vincent & the Grenadines. At the time, I was a student at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Cory had been living and working in the U.S. Virgin Islands for about five years. After a week of sailing, snorkeling, and swimming, I flew back to California to finish the last year of my environmental studies degree at UCSB and Cory sailed on with his parents to Grenada.

Fast forward through a year of hurricanes, phone calls, and few-and-far-between visits, and Cory and I ended up moving together to Los Angeles where I found a job writing environmental impact reports with an environmental consulting firm. Neither of us loves Los Angeles though (smog, high rents, waay too many cars), so we've been planning our escape from the concrete jungle ever since!

Okay, so with that long-story-short version of where we are now, here's where we're going:
...Actually, we don't know exactly where we're going! That's because I've applied to several graduate schools (to get a PhD in marine policy) and I'm still waiting to hear back from most of them. However, they all happen to be on the east coast of the U.S., so we know that we'll be making a move cross-country this summer. Since we'll be moving this summer so I can go back to school (for a long time!), we've decided to quit our jobs in April and do some traveling before finding a new place to call home.


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